Feet do a lot of work for us. By the time we are 50, we will have walked 75,000 miles on them. Feet are such complex structures with many bones, tendons, and ligaments that have to work together perfectly to keep us moving.

We at Lawrenceville Foot & Ankle Specialists provide professional and affordable podiatric treatments to keep you on your feet. Whether you are just looking for a quick check up and foot assessment or you have specific foot problems that need specialist treatment, we can help. Our highly trained podiatrists will provide the best advice and treatment to leave you confident and educated on your condition. Our goal is to keep you and your feet happy and healthy!


Achilles Tendon Pain and Injuries

Achilles tendinitis is most often brought on by an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon, the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to the back of your heel bone. Achilles tendinitis most commonly occurs in runners who have suddenly increased the intensity or duration of their runs. Such conditions, if left untreated, can ultimately lead to more serios pathologies of the achilles tendon. If you are suffering from an Achilles tendon injury, or if you have any pain in the achilles tendon, we at Complete Foot and Ankle Specialists are well equipped to diagnose and formulate a customized treatment plan geared to getting you back into action.

Fractures of the Foot and Ankle

If you are suffering from an ankle or foot fracture or sprain, time is of the essence. The best results are achieved when the injury is tended to immediately. It is imperative that you contact our office as soon as possible so that emergency care can be provided. We will evaluate the extent of your condition and administer the appropriate treatment. Our board-certified foot and ankle physicians and surgeons can handle just about any foot and ankle injury you may have.

Trauma of the Foot and Ankle

If you are suffering from an ankle or foot fracture or sprain, time is of the essence. The best results are achieved when the injury is tended to immediately. It is imperative that you contact our office as soon as possible so that emergency care can be provided. We will evaluate the extent of your condition and administer the appropriate treatment. Our board-certified foot and ankle physicians and surgeons can handle just about any foot and ankle injury you may have.

Foot and Ankle sprains

If you are suffering from an ankle or foot fracture or sprain, time is of the essence. The best results are achieved when the injury is tended to immediately. It is imperative that you contact our office as soon as possible so that emergency care can be provided. We will evaluate the extent of your condition and administer the appropriate treatment. Our board-certified foot and ankle physicians and surgeons can handle just about any foot and ankle injury you may have.

Sports Injuries

The most common foot problems caused by sports-related activities are blisters, corns, Cellulitis, athlete’s foot, achilles tendonitis, and heel pain. Preventive measures include using proper foot hygiene: keeping your feet dry, wearing clean socks, making sure your shoes fit properly and making sure you do not overstrain your legs, ankles, and feet. If you develop recurring and/or increasing aches and pains you should make an appointment as soon as possible to avoid causing permanent damage.


A bunion is a foot deformity characterized by a number of common signs and symptoms:

• A large, bony bump forms along the inside of the foot, at the base of the big toe.
• The big toe itself drifts out of position, with the tip of the big toe pushing toward (and sometimes even overtop of) the second toe.
• In most cases, the first metatarsal bone (which links the big toe to the tarsal bones of the midfoot) is also shifted outward, upward, and rotated from its normal position.

Bunions are progressive, meaning that without treatment the bunion will only get worse with time. As the condition becomes more severe, it may become harder and harder to fit into normal shoes, and harder and harder to perform daily tasks without pain.
Calluses, corns, blisters, and other painful skin irritations may develop in spots where the foot rubs against the inside of your shoe, or where toes rub against one another.

What Causes Bunions?
The vast majority of bunions are believed to be genetically inherited to at least some degree. Essentially, you were likely born with a certain foot shape or structure that is prone to developing the kinds of joint instability that ultimately lead to bunion formation.
This is why bunions tend to run in families. If several close family members also have or had bunions, there’s a good chance you will too—although it’s not a certainty!
What about wearing high heels or tight shoes? Different doctors and researchers actually disagree over whether wearing bad shoes can actually cause a bunion in a “normal” foot without there also being a genetic, structural component at the same time.
However, it does seem pretty clear that poor shoes can “trigger” the early formation of bunions if you are already predisposed to getting them, and they can definitely make an existing bunion more painful and develop at a faster rate.

Do All Bunions Require Surgery?

No, not necessarily. But if you want to prevent surgery, or at least delay it as long as you possibly can, it’s essential that you seek treatment as early as possible. This means before you even start to notice any painful symptoms or difficulties wearing shoes.
In these early stages, we can often use conservative therapies like taping, splinting, physical therapy, shoe changes, and custom orthotics to keep your feet comfortable and allow you to continue your regular activities unimpeded.
However, once the bunion starts to cause daily pain or keeps you from participating in activities you used to enjoy, surgery is usually inevitable. However, it’s not all bad news, because our office specializes in a sophisticated form of bunion surgery that offers much faster recovery and better long-term results than conventional approaches! Our approach is to get you back on your feet as fast as possible. If you are suffering from bunion pain, call us today!


A bunionette, also known as a tailor’s bunion, is similar, except it develops at the base of the fifth toe instead of the first toe. Treatments are similar to those of bunions. Think you’re suffering from a bunionette? Call us today for a consultation.

Pediatric Deformities

For a parent, nothing is more important than the long-term health and safety of their children. That’s why children’s foot care is such an important part of what we do at Lawrenceville Foot and Ankle Specialists.
Many chronic foot problems can be identified already in childhood, and are best treated at this stage of life. Issues like flat feet, gait abnormalities, and other structural and biomechanical issues can develop and continue to cause problems well into adulthood if not addressed early enough. Proper treatment, however, can help your child stay healthier, more active, and more independent their whole life long!

Flat Feet

Flat feet are relatively common in children. It takes time for supporting muscles and tendons to strengthen and tighten, giving the arch its permanent, natural shape. However, some children never do develop a permanent arch, and this can lead to pain, injury, and fatigue—especially when the child reaches 8 or 9 years of age.
There are two broad categories of pediatric flatfoot:

• Flexible: In this case, the arch flattens when bearing weight but may reappear when sitting or standing on tiptoes. Conservative treatments like orthotics and stretching are typically more sufficient to manage flexible flat feet successfully.

• Rigid: In rarer cases, the arch may be permanently and rigidly flat, due to more significant structural problems with the feet. Rigid flat feet usually require surgical correction.
If you or your child suffers from tired, achy or flat feet, contact us today!

Gait Abnormalities

The process of learning to walk is awkward for every baby — even those that one day grow up to be superstar athletes. However, you may notice your little one’s posture or walking gait appears especially unusual. For example:

• Walking with toes pointed inward or outward
• Walking on tiptoes
• Walking with knees bowed outward or knocking together
• Limping

Some abnormalities self-correct in time, but those that don’t can delay developmental milestones and persist into adulthood. It’s always a good idea to bring your child in for a checkup if you observe abnormalities in their gait.

Corns, Calluses, Warts


Kids are highly susceptible to developing warts on the feet, due to increased exposure to the virus and underdeveloped immune systems. That being said, Adults can develop warts too!

What are Plantar Warts?

Plantar warts are the result of a viral infection on the feet. The offending organisms in this case are strains of HPV, the human papillomavirus. You might have heard about HPV creating warts elsewhere. There are more than 100 kinds of HPV we currently know in the world, but only a few of them will cause warts on the feet. The rest are different. The virus tends to infiltrate through small cuts, sores, or any other weak spot along the bottom of the foot. It thrives in warm, damp areas, so walking barefoot through locker rooms and other wet, public areas can increase your risks. Symptoms of plantar warts include:
• Small, grainy growths on the bottom of the foot. These are most commonly seen around the base of the toes, the forefoot, and the heel. They will also tend to interrupt the normal lines and loops you see in your foot.
• Occasionally, a hard, thick callus over a definite spot on the skin. This is a sign that a wart might have grown inward.
• Small, dark pinpoints or flecks in the affected area. Some call these “seeds,” but they are tiny blood vessels within the skin that have become interrupted by warts and since clotted.
Plantar warts do not always cause pain. They might, however, if they are developed in a particularly sensitive part of the foot that endures pressure while walking.

What to Do About Plantar Warts

The good news is that plantar warts eventually go away on their own. The bad news is that it may take them up to 2 years to do so! If your plantar warts are not causing you any pains or problems whatsoever, then you could reasonably stick this time period out. This isn’t always the wisest move, however. As long as you have the warts, you risk spreading them to others. Your family would not like that to happen…nor would anyone at the gym! You also risk spreading them to your hands if you pick or scratch at the warts, so be sure to wash your hands constantly. If you want to get rid of your warts sooner (and really, that’s a sound course of action), home remedies are very likely not going to help you. None of them have much peer-reviewed, scientific bearing (even duct tape!). Feel free to try anything that’s not going to cause you injury or pain, but you likely won’t see results. Most warts can be adequately addressed in 1-3 appointments with chemical or liquid nitrogen treatments. However, this may be impractical if your child has multiple severe warts. In such cases, we can also provide a hospital-based procedure to excise the wart using anesthesia. Every case of plantar warts can be a little different, so we will be sure to discuss your full range of options when it comes to removal for yourself or a loved one.

Corns and Calluses:

Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop when your skin tries to protect itself against friction and pressure. They most often develop on the feet and toes or hands and fingers. Corns and calluses can be unsightly.
If you’re healthy, you need treatment for corns and calluses only if they cause discomfort. For most people, simply eliminating the source of friction or pressure makes corns and calluses disappear.
If you have diabetes or another condition that causes poor blood flow to your feet, you’re at greater risk of complications from corns and calluses.
We at complete foot and ankle specialty are well equipped to help alleviate your discomfort. Call us today for a consultation.

Arthritic Foot and Ankle Conditions

Did you know that an average 80-year-old will have walked enough to circle the earth four times? That’s a lot of mileage, and a lot of potential for wear and tear. As a result, seniors often struggle with heel pain, foot and ankle arthritis, and even bony deformities like bunions and hammertoes. Other physical changes occur, like flattening arches, weakening ligaments, and loss of the fat pads on the heels and balls of the feet. We offer extensive conservative and surgical treatment options for nearly any problem you may be experiencing.
If pain, instability, injury, or any other foot or ankle concerns are negatively affecting your lifestyle—or the lifestyle of a senior you care for—please give us a call today at 609-512-1126.

Athlete’s Foot, Toenail Fungus and Ingrown Toenails

Athlete’s foot:

You do not have to be a member of a sports team to get athlete’s foot. In fact you don’t even have to play a sport. The condition itself usually results from an overgrowth of a particular fungus organism. In most cases, the areas between the toes and the arch of the foot are most often involved. There is some confusion as to how this skin condition can be transmitted but at the present time, the consensus of opinion is that there is some type of contagious capacity. In short, you might be able to catch it from the next guy or gal, so watch your barefoot walking! Got that rash that doesn’t go away with moisturizers? Call us today at (609) 512-1126.

Toenail Fungus:

These infections may start out as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your toenail. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail, your nail may discolor, thicken and develop crumbling edges, causing an unsightly and potentially painful problem. These infections should be treated as soon as possible. If left untreated, they can lead to other serious conditions.

Fungal Nails Q&A
What causes fungal nails?
Medically known as onychomycosis, fungal nails are an infection that develops under the surface of your nail bed. Fungi thrive in warm, dark, moist environments. Your chances of developing fungal nails increases if you:

• Walk barefoot in a damp communal area, like a gym locker room
• Have poor circulation, possibly from diabetes
• Have a history of fungal nails or athlete’s foot

The fungal organisms can quickly multiply, causing one or more of your toenails to thicken, chip away, darken or become yellow, or even start producing a foul odor. Without proper treatment, your fungal nail infection can become so severe comfortably wearing shoes becomes increasingly difficult.

How are fungal nails treated?
Because the fungi that cause fungal nail infections can be stubborn, it’s best to have your infection treated by a podiatrist. The team at Complete Foot & Ankle Specialists may use any of the following solutions to stop the fungal infection and promote healthy nail growth.

• Oral antifungal drugs
• Topical antifungal creams
• Medicated nail polish and foot soaks

In severe cases, it’s sometimes best to remove your affected nails through an in-office surgery. This type of procedure allows your podiatrist to treat underlying skin tissue directly, which is often most helpful for fungal infections that don’t respond to conservative therapies. Over time, a healthy nail grows back.

Can I prevent fungal nails?
It’s impossible to prevent every case of fungal nails, but with a few simple lifestyle changes and counseling from the team at Complete Foot & Ankle Specialists, you can certainly dramatically reduce your risk. Preventing fungal nails involves:

• Keeping your feet clean and dry
• Wearing breathable socks and shoes
• Avoiding sharing socks and shoes
• Disinfecting your pedicure tools and nail clippers
• Wearing shoes or flip-flops in communal areas
Your dedicated podiatrist at Complete Foot & Ankle Specialists spends time with you trying to determine why you have fungal nails, so you can work together to prevent future issues and keep your toenails healthy and strong.

Book your fungal nails evaluation and get started on treatment at Lawrenceville Foot & Ankle Specialists today.

Ingrown Toenails:

Ingrown toenails can occur in anyone but are very common in young children. Often, this indicates a genetic predisposition toward the condition, and the problem will keep coming back if not addressed properly. Fortunately, ingrown toenail removal is almost always a simple, one-day, in-office procedure, and partial removal of the nail matrix ensures that the ingrown part of the nail will not grow back.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

The most common contributing causes may include:
• Genetics. Unfortunately, some people are especially prone to developing ingrown toenails due to inherited traits. This might be the case if your nails are especially curved. Those who suffer from ingrown toenails frequently, or from an early age, may fall into this category.
• Poor nail trimming. If you cut your nails too short—especially at the corners—you are more likely to develop an ingrown toenail. Cut straight across, with a little length left on the end.
• Tight footwear. When you crowd the front of your feet in shoes that are too short or too narrow, the pressure can push your nails downward and sideways into the surrounding skin.
• Injuries. The ingrown toenail might be the result of a traumatic injury (e.g., stubbing your toe against a table leg) or chronic overuse (e.g., kicking soccer balls).

Ingrown Toenail Treatment Procedures

If there is already a serious infection, it may be necessary to deal with that first. You might have to be on antibiotics for a week or two before the removal procedure. Most cases, however, can be treated right from the office during the same initial appointment. We’ll provide a local anesthetic and gently remove the ingrown edge of the toenail. There should be minimal if any pain as a result of this procedure. The relief you feel afterward is incredible! Typically, we will also remove part of the nail matrix (the tissue responsible for growing new nail) using a chemical agent. This prevents the ingrown toenail from returning—and since only the edge of the nail matrix needs to be removed, the rest of the nail should still look quite natural. Although this procedure is option, we highly recommend it for most patients, especially young children. Why risk going through the pain again and again when you don’t have to?

Metatarsal Pain and Neuromas

Metatarsal pain:

Metatarsalgia is a condition in which the ball of your foot becomes painful and inflamed. You might develop it if you participate in activities that involve running and jumping. There are other causes as well, including foot deformities and shoes that are too tight or too loose. We at Lawrenceville Foot & Ankle Specialists provide a wide array of treatment options customized to fit your needs. Our aim is to get you pain free as fast as possible.


neuroma is a benign but painful condition that affects the ball of the foot. It’s also called an intermetatarsal neuroma because it’s located in the ball of the foot between your metatarsal bones. It happens when the tissue around a nerve that leads to a toe thickens from irritation or compression. Treatments can range from rest and anti-inflammatories and padding to more aggressive treatments such as surgical excision. Every patient is different, and at Lawrenceville Foot & Ankle Specialists, we will formulate a treatment plan that best fits your needs.

Diabetic Foot Care

Whether they know it or not, it’s estimated that more than 30 million Americans suffer from some form of diabetes—including nearly a quarter of seniors. If you’re one of them, your feet are at risk.
People with diabetes are prone to developing critical foot problems, including severe deformities and lingering ulcers and wounds that won’t heal. In the United States, more than 70,000 people per year require a lower limb amputation as a result of their diabetes, usually to contain a wound that has become badly infected.
The statistics are indeed grim. But you don’t have to join them! Most serious diabetic foot problems are 100% preventable. If you take care of your feet, they’ll take care of you.

Why Is Diabetes So Dangerous for Feet?

There are two main reasons: neuropathy and circulation.
• High blood sugar levels, and the associated inflammation, poisons nerves and cuts them off from the oxygen and nutrients they need. The nerves become damaged and their function is impaired, meaning you might not be able to feel your feet properly if they get injured.
• People with diabetes also can suffer from reduced blood flow to the lower extremities. Without access to vital nutrients, injuries and wounds take longer to heal. Your immune system is also impaired, meaning those wounds are far more likely to become infected.
Because of these twin factors, people with diabetes are more likely to hurt themselves, less likely to notice they’ve been hurt, and more likely to have those injuries develop into serious (even life-threatening) problems.

How Can I Prevent Diabetic Foot Complications?

If you want to keep your feet healthy and injury free—so you can remain active and independent as long as possible—you need to be disciplined about caring for both your feet and your entire body.
• Manage your condition well. Almost all serious diabetic foot problems have the same basic cause—elevated blood sugar levels and the damage they do to the body over time. So, managing your underlying condition is of paramount importance. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and keeping your sugar levels in an appropriate range are all critical.
• Develop healthy hygiene habits. Even relatively simple skin irritations (such as dry skin, cracked heels, or athlete’s foot) can be dangerous for someone with diabetes. Give your feet a good wash each day using mild soap and warm water. Make sure you dry them thoroughly (including between toes), then apply moisturizer and a clean pair of socks.
• Inspect your feet at home every day. Give yourself a daily, 5-minute self-exam and fully inspect your feet and toenails for injuries, rashes, swelling, temperature fluctuations, etc. This will help you identify any problems you may have missed (due to loss of nerve sensitivity or otherwise).
• Get an annual diabetic checkup at Comprehensive Foot Centers. Not all diabetic complications are visible from the outside. Often, the signs of neuropathy won’t become apparent until the nerves are already severely damaged. During your appointment, we can test the health of your nerves and circulation. We will also provide maintenance care for any issues you may be experiencing (calluses, ulcers, thick toenails).
• Wear diabetic shoes. Diabetic shoes may be recommended for patients at high risk. They come in the same sorts of styles and fashions as any other pair of shoes, but are designed with certain features to protect your feet—extra depth to accommodate orthotics, no interior seams, etc. Getting a good pair is easy. We’ll show you samples, take your measurements, and even confirm approval from your insurance provider.

What Should I Do If I Develop a Foot Problem?

If you suffer any kind of foot injury, develop a deformity (such as a bunion), or notice anything unusual during your daily self-exams—rashes, swelling, blisters, etc. that do not improve—please call us immediately for an appointment. Due to the serious nature of diabetic foot complications, we will accommodate you as quickly as possible.
In addition to basic skin and nail care maintenance, our medical team provides advanced wound care services and products for those with ulcers, either in our office or at a nearby wound care center. We also provide reconstructive surgical options for foot deformities, including Charcot foot (a diabetes-related condition where the entire foot collapses and becomes severely disfigured).

We will do everything in our power to heal your injuries, prevent or eliminate any infections, and restore full function to your feet so you can avoid an amputation and resume a full, healthy lifestyle.

Schedule a diabetic foot evaluation today!

Diabetic Shoe Program

We at Lawrenceville Foot & Ankle Specialists provide a wide array of choices of diabetic footwear. We offer many styles of shoes for your to choose from. We offer nothing but the highest quality options. Call us today to find out more!

Custom and Non-Custom Braces

Whether you have suffered and injury, or have gait abnormalities, at Complete Foot and Ankle Specialists, we have a wide range of braces that fit your needs. Our physicians are highly trained in accommodating the correct brace you may need.

Custom and non-custom orthotics

Experiencing foot or heel pain? Considering buying orthotics to help relieve the pain?  The first thing you should know is an orthotic is a shoe insert that supports the abnormal movement of a foot. Made of different materials and quality, not all orthotics are created equal. Understandably, people spend much time and money using the wrong orthotic.

When you experience foot pain, specifically in the arch of the foot, you likely thought you needed more cushion. A softer sole or more cushion feels great, but it doesn’t address the underlying issue causing the foot pain. This is where many people looking to buy orthotics make their mistake. Knowing which orthotic you need and using our bend test will save you from wasting money and living with more pain.

Orthotic manufacturers make their products to do one of two things:

  1. To provide cushion and comfort. These orthotics are flimsy and made of memory foam. They are an added level of comfort compared to the insoles that come with your shoes. What these orthotic manufacturers don’t tell you is, memory foam orthotics are a short term fix.
  2. To support the abnormal movement of a foot. Foot pain isn’t normal. When you’re experiencing foot pain, it’s due to an abnormality in your foot. These orthotics promote proper foot alignment and movement. Flimsy memory foam can’t do this, so manufacturers use a sturdier material that provides support and stability to keep your foot in place. 

The Bend Test

A basic way of knowing what your shoe insert was made for is to simply bend it. If you can bend your insert wherever you please, or if you can roll it, then it is an insert made for cushion, not for support. 

Alternatively, when trying to bend the insert, if the area where the arch of the foot sits doesn’t bend, then you have a supportive


Cost: Varies, based on insurance

A custom orthotic is a prescribed medical device from a doctor. Custom means,  a doctor uses casts, impressions, or scans to perfectly fit your foot. A doctor-designed orthotic will control the alignment and function of your foot. These orthotics will treat or prevent abnormal motion, or rolling, of the foot. By redistributing the pressure on the bottom of your feet, you’ll reduce discomfort, pain and calluses. Custom orthotics will increase effectiveness and decrease pain experienced with various cardio activities.   The doctors at Complete Foot and Ankle Specialists provide custom orthotics for patients dealing with foot pain, including chronic arch or heel pain.


If you’re dealing with constant foot pain, a quick trip to the pharmacy won’t be a long term fix. Consider visiting your podiatrist for a proper diagnosis before you spend any money on a shoe insert.  If you do go searching for the home remedy remember you should NEVER spend more than $75 for an insert/arch support.

If the over the counter arch support does not fix your foot pain, you need to see a podiatrist. Podiatrists are the experts when it comes to foot and ankle health.  They can prescribe a custom orthotic for you. Remember, just because a store advertises their product as “custom fit” does not mean it is “custom”. Talk to your doctor before making any purchases to ensure you get the best possible help for your feet!  If you’d like to learn more about orthotics,  and make and appointment today!

Heel Pain

Heel pain in children is vastly different from heel pain in adults.

If you experience severe heel pain when you first step out of bed, plantar fasciitis may be the cause. The podiatrists at Complete Foot and Ankle Specialists have extensive experience treating plantar fasciitis and helping heel pain go away. With a location that is easily assessable, you can get relief at your convenience. Call or schedule a visit online at Lawrenceville Foot & Ankle Specialists today to get the plantar fasciitis help you need.

Heel Pain in Children

Heel pain is common in active teenagers, especially during their growth spurt years. Unlike adult heel pain, which is usually caused by plantar fasciitis, teenaged heel pain is usually caused by an injury to the growth plate of the heel bone (Sever’s disease). Growth plates are made from weaker and more sensitive cartilage, making them more vulnerable. Eventually they will be covered by harder bone tissue, but during growth years they are exposed.

Plantar Fasciitis

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a condition that causes inflammation in the sole of your foot at your plantar fascia – a thick, tough band of tissue that connects your heel to your toes. Pain can start out as mild discomfort at the heel – it may even feel like a bruise. If the condition progresses, you may experience severe heel pain or a sensation of tearing or ripping at the sole of your foot.

Typically, plantar fasciitis is felt when you stand up out of bed and take your first few steps. It can also be felt when standing after sitting for a long time or after exercising. Without treatment, plantar fasciitis can become a chronic problem and may cause other issues with your feet, ankles, knees, and hips.

What causes plantar fasciitis?

Inflammation and overuse injuries of the plantar fascia cause plantar fasciitis. You’re at risk for inflammation and overuse injuries of your plantar fascia if you:

  • Are overweight
  • Walk a lot for your job
  • Stand on hard surfaces for long periods of time
  • Walk or run for exercise
  • Have tight calf muscles
  • Have very flat feet or very high arches

In addition to these common risk factors, diabetes can also predispose you to plantar fasciitis. Since diabetes can cause wounds and neuropathy in your feet, these problems may cause inflammation and irritation of your plantar fascia, too.

How is plantar fasciitis treated?

If you have mild plantar fasciitis pain, your doctor at Complete Foot & Ankle Specialists can help prevent your pain from getting worse and turning into a chronic issue. Your doctor provides education about stretches and exercises you can perform to relax sore, tight muscles, and modifications you can make to alleviate pain at work.

If your plantar fasciitis pain is severe, your doctor can develop a personalized stretching regimen or provide you with devices to help you relax tight muscles and prevent further injury. Your doctor may also prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications – like ibuprofen or naproxen – to reduce inflammation. If the pain is severe your doctor may offer a steroid injection to help eliminate the problem.

Arch supports – like Powerstep® or custom orthotics – can also help. If conservative measures are insufficient, surgery is an option to relieve pressure and tension on the plantar fascia.

Preventing Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis may be a chronic problem due to your foot structure or muscle tightness. Along with treating plantar fasciitis there are ways to prevent it from recurring. These include the stretching exercises and arch supports used to help treat the condition.

Get relief from plantar fasciitis pain with an appointment at Complete Foot & Ankle Specialists. Call us at (609) 512-1126 or book an appointment online now.

Advanced Wound Care

If you have a wound on your lower leg or foot that is not healing, it is very important to seek medical attention. We are experienced in treating many types of wounds that are caused by cuts, burns, trauma, infection, blisters, diabetic ulceration, etc. Wound care involves the proper cleaning, dressing and treatment of the affected area until the wound is completely healed. We at Lawrenceville Foot & Ankle Specialists have a wide variety of treatment modalities to treat your wounds. We also employ advanced therapeutics including skin grafting in an office setting! Have a wound? Call us today at (609) 512-1126 to schedule an appointment.

… And Much More

To schedule an appointment, give us a call us at (609) 512-1126.

Helping Kids Stay on Their Feet:

Kids are naturally active, but foot pain and misalignment can take that away from them. We love helping children of all ages with foot problems of all shapes and sizes, from stinky feet all the way to painful deformities. We pride ourselves on offering gentle, compassionate, and effective care, and do everything in our power to put kids (and their parents!) at ease throughout their entire visit. We’ll happily answer any questions or concerns you may have, too.

To schedule an appointment for your little one, complete our online contact form or give us a call us at (609) 512-1126.

On-site X-Rays:

Radiography with X-ray is the starting point for diagnosing or screening of a variety of health issues. We employ a state of the art digital x-ray system. When you’re relying on your doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, image quality is everything.  Not only do you get results within seconds, but the image can also be easily resized to enlarge hard-to-see potential issues without distorting or degrading the quality of the image. Foot and/or Ankle pain? Call us today to have you examined!

Details about Foot & Ankle Conditions by Foot Health Facts.
Details about Diseases & Conditions by OrthoInfo American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

The content here, including text, images, and graphics, is for informational and educational purposes only. The content is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnoses or treatments. If you need medical advice, please schedule an appointment with our board certified foot and ankle physicians (call (609) 512-1126).